We can do a lot together


-We are Building a grass root network of refugee women and girls who can stand up and fight social injustices and defend their rights, and raise the profile of women and girls in their communities.

-We are working in solidarity with communities— influential women, community leaders, religious leaders as well as Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)—to guide their own processes of change.

-We are working to eliminate violence in schools, make the school environment safe for every girl child, as well as to ensure that adolescent girls are healthy, safe and educated.

-We are supporting and facilitating sustainable recovery for women and girls affected by all forms of Gender-based violence including sexual abuse, domestic violence, forced marriage, prostitution (including trafficking and sexual exploitation) and rape ;

-We are creating spaces where refugee women and/or girls meet and discuss about their issues and explore collective solutions.

-We are promoting economic empowerment for vulnerable women and girls including income generation and financial decision making in the household through vocational and business trainings, savings as well as loans options;

-We are working to improve women’s and adolescent girls’ health by ensuring that they have access to health information and services that are designed for them. This includes education on nutrition, HIV and COVID-19 prevention , information on sexual and reproductive health.

-We are ensuring that legislation, laws, policies and programmes are gender sensitive and supportive to women’s rights and human rights;

-We are developing the skills and competencies of women and girls to reach decision-making levels in all spheres.

-We are promoting the role of community leaders and religious leaders in creating supportive environment for refugee girls’ development.

Donate Now

As the global COVID-19 pandemic escalates and we all stand together in solidarity, please support women and girls in Dzaleka Refugee Camp who are enduring unthinkable challenges as they face this crisis.

“Your gift today will help ensure we can continue to serve our sisters, their families and communities”