Under the Women’s and Girls’ Sustainable Health program, SOFERES aims at improving general health conditions
of the focus communities through increased access to clean and safe water, good hygiene conditions, sanitation
facilities and building community capacity not only to maintain the facilities through Water User communities but
to also to lobby and advocate for qualitative and quantitative WASH services from other duty bearers.
SOFERES has adopted both right based and service based approach to service Delivery. Therefore,
SOFERES work with partners to supplement Government services by constructing Boreholes, shallow wells,
spring tanks, rain water harvesting facilities, School, household and community sanitation facilities.
In addition, SOFERES is also working to improve women’s and girls’ health by ensuring that
they have access to health information and services that are designed for them. Therefore,
we are promoting awareness and good governance in sexual reproductive, maternal child health,
HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, and other health services. SOFERES also builds community capacity to lobby and advocate for
qualitative and quantitative SRH, MCH, and HIV/AIDS care services. SOFERES works with different partner at local,
national and international level to create access, and availability of the reproductive health services In partnership with other health organizations, SOFERES organizes mobile clinics for voluntary counseling and testing,
provision of Health products like condoms, pills, and other protection and bath control products.
Due to the increasing HIV rates in Dzaleka Refugee Camp and surroundings, SOFERES works with Youth Peer Educators (YPEs)
and school clubs to carry out community and school out reaches to promote awareness of HIV through music, drama and sports.