Under the Women’s and Girls’ Safety and Security program, SOFERES is working in solidarity with communities who are respected for the key role they play in arbitrating conflicts and influencing community attitudes and beliefs including influential women, community leaders, religious leaders as well as community based organizations—to guide their own processes of change. We are focused on raising awareness for change in social norms and behavior condoning violence against women and girls through sensitization meetings, peer education by community volunteers, community theatre, educational entertainment on local radio, and other mass communication. We train community members (women and girls) to become pro-active community facilitators on issues related to violence against women.
We also organize women’s forums at local level and support them in conducting public/street awareness raising campaigns in order to shift the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors around violence against women in their community. In addition, we also provide direct services such as counselling, medical care, temporary shelters to women and girls survivors of violence, and teaching them the skills they need so that they can earn an independent living. These skills empower them to speak out, become leader and advocate for change.